Eurasia/North Africa, Jordan, Ministry, Various
Are you an intercessor? Do you have experience with prayer ministry? We are looking for experienced intercessors to assist the churches in Jordan. If this is your burden, then Jordan and the Middle East has a place for you!
Bible Studies, Children, Discipleship, Eurasia/North Africa, Evangelism, Jordan, Ministry, Youth
Do you have a burden to work with International people? Do you speak Bengali, Hindi, Sinhala, or Tagalog? There is an opportunity in Jordan for you! There are thousands from various countries residing in the nation. Filipinos, Sri Lankans, Bengali’s, Indians,...
Administration, Bible Schools, Bible Studies, Builders, Career, Certified Teacher, Children, Church Planter, Construction, CSI, Discipleship, Elders, Eurasia/North Africa, Evangelism, Evangelistic Team, Internship, Interpreter, Jordan, Media/Tech/AV, Medical, Ministerial Trainer, Ministry, Ministry of Helps, Other Careers, Pastor, Preacher, Service, Social Work, Teams, TESL, Training, Translator, Unreached Cities Project, Various, Work Team, Worship, Youth
Go! Center #5927 AIMers of all types needed! ESL, administrative, personal assistant, prayer warriors, teachers, techies, language students, etc… Whatever you already do in the Kingdom of God, come do it in Jordan! Two months, two years, or a lifetime! Just come and...
Bible Schools, Bible Studies, Eurasia/North Africa, Jordan, Ministry
Go! Center #3906 We are looking for someone to work with the Administrative Team of the Global Apostolic Institute of Theological Studies in the city of Amman. This would include teaching in the various classes for both Certificate and Diploma Levels. You could also...
Children, Eurasia/North Africa, Jordan, Ministry, Teams
Go! Center #3905 We are looking for 2 or 3 people that would be willing to come and help us with VBS and Youth Camp in the Summer of 2024. We need people that are good with decorating, acting, puppets, praying with kids in the altar, helping with games and other areas...
Church Planter, Eurasia/North Africa, Jordan, Ministry
Go! Center #3903 Church Planters Needed! We are looking for an individual/couple to help us start satellite churches in the several cities in Jordan. This individual or couple would need to have a teachable spirit and be willing to work in harmony with the...