Poland [2533]

Poland [2533]

Go! Center #2533 Poland is a country of 38 million souls and only one UPCI church. We need many hands to plant churches, do evangelism, pray with people in the streets, teach Bible studies, lead teams, create ministry programs of every kind, and so much more. Our...
Gabon [2330]

Gabon [2330]

Go! Center #2330 Sister Carter is the first resident missionary in Gabon and is endeavouring to come alongside the church that has been in existence for 20 years and strengthen it, evangelize, plant churches, encourage church growth. AIMers would be encouraged to work...
Mali [2014]

Mali [2014]

Go! Center #2014 Mali (‘country of the hippo’) is home to over 20 MILLION people from many different people groups and languages, 95% of whom are Muslim. Our capital city, Bamako, teems with 3+ MILLION of those souls. We aim to reach them all with the...
Jordan [1071]

Jordan [1071]

Go Center #1071 The representative in Jordan is looking for AIMers! Those applying for this position will be asked to assist in all current endeavors. This includes: Prayer ministry, growing a small church, planting a new church, children’s ministries, Bible school...