Samoa [1107]

Go!Center #1107

We are in need of AIMers immediately!

Samoa is primed for revival and is about to experience a great harvest of souls! Our National Bible College, Apostolic Truth Bible College, is a prime example of the need we currently have. Do you love to teach? Are you passionate about the Kingdom of God? Do you love seeing students developed into great men and women of God? If so, you belong in Samoa helping teach at ATBC. My wife and I have recently started a brand new church that is already on the verge of filling up to capacity. Can you sing? Do you play an instrument? Do you enjoy teaching home bible studies? Do you have a passion working with brand new converts? Is personal evangelism your ‘thing’? If so, we need you at LifePoint Church ASAP! Samoa is a beautiful island in the South Pacific, with beautiful people, with quant cafes, white sandy beaches, crystal blue waters, and all the fruit you could ever imagine! Join us soon and let’s have revival together in Samoa!



*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Stephen M. Merritt



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